Visit of Spanish entrepreneurs
SPCleantech participated on October 25, 2021 in a meeting with Spanish entrepreneurs organized together with a member of the cluster, MARR cluster of the EU project “Power up your Business in Małopolska 3”.
The project is addressed to Małopolska entrepreneurs from the SME sector, interested in exporting their products and services to foreign markets, strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises, developing innovation and investing in our region.
Supporting the export activity of Małopolska entrepreneurs, including them in the activities of the European Awangarda Initiative and professional, targeted at key industries of the Małopolska Region, economic promotion are the main goals of the project “Power up Your Business in Małopolska 3” implemented at MARR SA.
As part of the project “Power up your Business in Małopolska 3”, Małopolska SMEs were invited to a meeting with Spanish entrepreneurs from the following industries:
- Food industry: producers of olive assortment, producer of olive oil, producer of wines, artisanal food products (bread) – distributor, business partner sought
- Installation industry for agricultural producers – greenhouses, machine equipment (tractors), farm management software – a sought-after business partner
- Installations for environmental protection, renewable energy – a sought-after partner for the implementation of joint ventures
- IT – data management, enterprise management, cooperation with economic institutions – a sought-after partner for the implementation of joint projects
- Importers: pigs, interior decoration products, decorations, interior accessories