6th Forum Green Smart City
Member of the shareholder of SPCleantech, University of Agriculture Hugo Kołłątaj in Krakow together with the Technology Transfer Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, the Innovation Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow Sp. z o.o., InnoTechKrakw and SPCleantech as a partner organized the VI Green Smart City Forum on October 28-29, 2021.
On the first day of the conference, the representative of SPCleantech, Janusz Kahl, presented the assumptions of the latest project of the cluster krakowurbanhub.pl and activities related to building a sustainable urbanization hub in Krakow. On the second day of the conference, Janusz Kahl took part in a debate on “The impact of social innovations on the development of Smart City and Smart Village”.
The aim of the 6th Green Smart City Forum was to raise the level of ecological awareness and shape the ecological attitudes of the society by promoting the principles of sustainable development, as well as disseminating knowledge in the field of environmental protection.
From the first edition, FORUM Green Smart City has been a space for information exchange and cooperation between local authorities, universities, environmental protection funds, NGOs, entrepreneurs in the field of innovative technologies that will favor the development of smart cities and villages.
During the 6th edition of the Green Smart City Forum, issues concerning the idea of the European Green Deal, rational development of urban areas, urban greenery management, air protection, smart solutions in the city and in the countryside were discussed. An additional thematic area that will be taken up during the Forum are the challenges and opportunities posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The challenges posed by the European Green Deal inspire even more to look for solutions and implement new technologies in Smart City, Smart Village, and also open up new space for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development.