SPCleantech is a network of cooperating entities related to Cleantech industry, that combine their resources, knowledge and skills in order to achieve common goals.
The main goal of SPCleantech is to create a dynamic ecosystem that encourages the exchange of knowledge, promotes innovation and drives economic growth and competitiveness of its members.
Here are some of the main benefits of membership in innovative SPCleantech cluster:

  • Cooperation and networking 
  • Access to resources
  • Exchange of knowledge and training
  • Innovation and research 
  • Joint promotion and marketing
  • Institutional support 
  • Solving common problems

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SPCleantech supports actions taken to reduce the negative impact on the natural environment and to ensure a more sustainable and ecological approach to economic activity, as well as regarding the use of modern digital technologies to optimize business processes, increase efficiency and improve competitiveness.

Learn more about the benefits of membership

SPCleantech sent together with VIC University (E), National University of Ireland, (IR). University of Verona, (I), Cracow University of Technology-CTT (PL) and Cracow University of Economics-MSAP (PL) an application for European funding of the project “European Network of Business Schools & Enterprises for a Green Economy” from ENGINE in ERASMUS+ programme.


The project’s main objective is to include environmental management knowledge within the curricula of business schools and business related university departments in order to guarantee that environmental knowledge is incorporated as one of the key aspects of business management. Preparing future entrepreneurs and managers at different levels will contribute to the development of a green economy in the EU both, in SMEs and large companies in different sectors.

Project phases

The project will be structured as follows:

  1. Assessment phase (market needs & training needs):
  • To assess the level of inclusion of green economy, circular economy, environmental management or CSR related studies within the curricula of the business schools and business university departments in Europe and particularly in the MS involved in the project.
  • To identify the best practices and professional curricula addressed to business and environmental management based on the comparison report.
  • Identification of training needs taking into account the business sector and other interested parties
  • To identify the issues related to green entrepreneurship / green economy that could be included within the curricula of the economics and business management studies taking into account the needs of the enterprises and the point of view of other interested parties.
  1. Development of a European network of business schools & enterprises for a green economy:
  • To identify key sectors and enterprises and to invite them to participate in the network in order to boost green entrepreneurial capabilities and cooperation between Universities and enterprises willing to face their environmental challenges (potential speakers within the training programme, case studies, visiting tours, testimonial videos, training material, video conferences, fellowship programme).
  • To create a platform or a group within a professional social network in order to facilitate contact among the participants to the network.
  • To activate the network and to maintain an active interaction (discussions, forums, activities, company tours, etc.)
  1. Greening the current training programme at business schools:
  • To develop the training units, a training programme and training tools which provide answer to the current business management needs in terms of environmental management of activities and processes and the eco-innovation of products and services. The training programme will also include enterprises’ case studies and interviews belonging to different EU countries in order to be shared among all the educational centres and to provide a European approach to business and sustainability.
  • To develop a fellowship programme in order to provide participants the opportunity to carry out a project within one of the companies of the network.
  1. Market evaluation

Potential trainees, top managers, entrepreneurs, and other interested parties will be invited to a presentation and feedback session in order to evaluate the final output from their point of view.

  1. Training & EQF evaluation
  • To assess the level of compliance with the appropriate EQF level accordingly to the strategy defined in phase 1. In this phase relevant functions of the University partners will evaluate the outputs of phase 3 (learning objectives, training units and training programme) and will provide a report in order to establish whether they comply with the EQF level and which adaptations must be done if needed.