SPCleantech actively participates in a group of stakeholders working on the program of policy creation and development of energy clusters, and therefore on 12.12.2019 took part in the seminar “City and energy transformation”, which was held at the headquarters of a member of SPCleantech, AGH University of Science and Technology. Stanisława Staszica in Kraków (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering of AGH).
The aim of the seminar was to familiarize with examples of good practices of Polish cities joining the energy transformation and to develop recommendations for measures to facilitate the dissemination of the best solutions. In the first part of the seminar representatives of cities of different sizes and specificities presented their motivations and their path to engaging in local energy initiatives. These approaches were confronted with solutions adopted in Swedish cities.
The second part was filled with discussion, the purpose of which was to develop a set of recommendations for Polish cities interested in faster implementation of the energy transformation, including indicating ways to eliminate obstacles hindering ongoing and planned activities. The first stage of the discussion envisaged exchanging views of the speakers from the first part with practitioners operating in the areas of local government and energy clusters. In the second stage, all the participants were included in the discussion.
The seminar is organized by members of a consortium implementing the project “Development of distributed energy in energy clusters (KlastER)” – AGH University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Energy (currently the Ministry of State Assets – consortium leader) and the National Center for Nuclear Research The KlastER project is implemented on the basis of an agreement with the National Center for Research and Development as part of the GOSPOSTRATEG strategic research and development program, including project development strategies for energy clusters in Poland, and establishing a Competence Network for Distributed Energy as a broad platforms for cooperation of all stakeholders, development and implementation of solutions supporting management in energy clusters, as well as dissemination and educational activities.
Organisers invited representatives of energy initiatives, including coordinators of terrazzo energy and representatives of the science, business, local government and non-governmental organizations interested in cooperation in the development of distributed energy.