SPCleantech has implemented an action strategy for the benefit of cluster members and partners by creating SIG – Special Interest Groups. The aim of the new strategy is to integrate the activities of cluster members who are interested in a collective effort to identify key challenges, exchange knowledge and develop strategic partnerships with other cluster members or other key stakeholders in order to accelerate the green transition in southern Poland. The method is to create a group within SPCleantech that has a common interest in developing a specific area of knowledge, science or technology, where members collaborate to influence or create solutions in their specific field and can communicate, meet, organize, workshops, conferences and commercialize your ideas.
The goal of SIG is to find a common topic – challenge that is so topical and attractive to a group of SPCleantech members that they will want to devote their time and energy to it. After finding a sufficient number of members interested in building a coherent group, the group selects its leader – challenge owner who, together with SPCleantech, will be responsible for coordinating further work. Ultimately, each SIG must develop its own possible project idea, business model, innovative technology or service by starting a project development processes and decide on the financing of developed solutions and develop an application for regional or EU funds to finance these activities.
SPCleantech has adequate knowledge of available sources of financing for projects such as -NCBiR, Regional Operational Program, Horizon Europe, COSME, Erasmus + etc.
Driver SPCleantech drives processes and cluster organization takes an active executive role in initiatives and projects. Cluster is responsible for the creation of a consortium, preparation of an application for funding, execution and settlement of the project. Cluster acts as project manager and secretariat, organizes steering committee meetings, partner meetings and planning sessions.
Partner SPCleantech participates in the process and can participate as a partner in initiatives and consortium in the project, but the cluster organization is not the prime and main partner in the project
Facilitator SPCleantech facilitates contact between potential partners, but cluster organization does not participate actively in subsequent initiatives / projects. Members can get assigned a key-account manager from the cluster, which can keep an eye on the needs of members, invite to networking meetings, match-making and project meetings, so as to create new business opportunities between members and develop new projects between and for members.
In order to participate in the projects you have to be member of South Poland Cleantech Cluster.