SPCleantech participated on 31.07.2019 in the first meeting as stakeholder in the ECOS4IN EU project with participation of member of cluster the Małopolska Regional Development Agency (MARR). Other partners in the ECOS4IN project are Ústecký kraj – leader (Czech Republic), Università Cà Foscari Venezia (Italy), Pannon Novum Nyugat-duná ntúli Regionális Innovációs Nonprofit Kft. (Hungary), Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsa gentur GmbH (Austria), Koprivnički poduzetnik doo (Croatia) and Fondazion E Giacomo Brodolini (Italy).
Concentration and industry 4.0 have a profound impact on business models and the entire environment in which enterprises operate today. No European country alone is able to successfully use all the possibilities available in the digital era. It is possible only on the scale of the whole of Europe.
The aim of the project is to improve regional innovation capacities through close transnational cooperation in Central Europe between entities interested in implementing the idea of Industry 4.0. The main partners at the local level are:
- institutions acting for the development of regional partners in shaping the policy of innovative development region
- the entity supporting enterprise development
The main target group of the ECOS4IN project are representatives of the quadruple helix, ie:
- representatives of business
- public authorities
- the world of science and non-governmental organizations.
As part of the project, each partner will appoint experts who will be responsible for the “substantive layer” of the project, as well as meet in the framework of TEG. One of such experts is SPCleantech. The expected results of the project toppage regional innovation capabilities to implement the idea of Industry 4.0 Strengthening the cooperation between stakeholders.
The project began in April 2019, runs until March 2022 and consists of 7 phases identified as “Work packages”, including : 3 technical phases. 4 “factual” phases (7 SG meetings) T1 phase: collecting information on the existing infrastructure and best practices in implementing Industry 4.0 in Central and Eastern Europe under two databases: Economic structure of the “Species” region occurring in the ecosystem The database of data is aimed at capturing the most appropriate institutions / entities and organizations involved in activities and initiatives related to the field of interest (Industry 4.0, digital transformation, digitization of the industrial structure of the region, etc.). The choice of institutions and entities depends on the significance of each individual and the factors related to the actual influence of each entity / institution / company on the processes of adopting and disseminating Industry 4.0.
The database will include:
- universities
- universities, police centers / institutions / research laboratories
- private as well as public units
- technology transfer, advisory companies,
- technology and local startups,
- related to technology Institutions
- public entities holding shares in and conducting industry-related activities 4.0 at the local level
Lista obecności na spotkaniu Stakeholders Group projektu ECOS4IN