SPCleantech organized on 26.06.2017 together with the Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC) workshop for architects and developers “Green buildings – fashion or necessity? Should you certify buildings?”. Workshop took place at the head quarters of SPCleantech, NordicHouse, ul. św. Anny 5 in Kraków.
Due to the growing popularity of multicriteria certification and the observed increase in the number of certificates granted in Poland, one can ask yourself whether it is a transitional fashion or a necessity resulting from market needs? We tried to answer these questions during subsequent workshop for architects and developers.
- Presentation of South Poland Cleantech Cluster and introduction to the subject – Janusz Kahl, President of SPCleantech
- “Poland’s leading multi-criterion certification in Central and Eastern Europe – 2017 report” – Alicja Kuczera, CEO, Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC)
- “Introduction to LEED, BREEAM and other multicriterial certification systems” – Ewa Kosmala, Technical Manager in Knauf Insulation, member of PLGBC Board
- “Modern office buildings – the impact of integrated design and architectural solutions on the efficiency and quality of the work environment. On the example of ecological certification of the office complex of UMWM in Krakow. “- Bartłomiej Kisielewski – architect, partner at HORIZONE Studio, member of PLGBC Board.
- Example from the investor’s point of view, the certification of office complex in Krakow – Skanska Property Poland Sp. z o.o., Michał Marszałek, Green Business Coordinator
- Malopolska Certificate of Energy-Saving Construction (Standard, Premium) – Małgorzata Fedorczak-Cisak, CEO, MCBE