SPCleantech is a network of cooperating entities related to Cleantech industry, that combine their resources, knowledge and skills in order to achieve common goals.
The main goal of SPCleantech is to create a dynamic ecosystem that encourages the exchange of knowledge, promotes innovation and drives economic growth and competitiveness of its members.
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SPCleantech supports actions taken to reduce the negative impact on the natural environment and to ensure a more sustainable and ecological approach to economic activity, as well as regarding the use of modern digital technologies to optimize business processes, increase efficiency and improve competitiveness.

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Smart V4 Strategy project

 |  Category: SPCleantech News

SPCleantech participates in a newly started Visegrad project together with partners – Czech Smart City Cluster, Slovak Smart City Cluster and Digitalis Jolet nonprofit from Hungary. The project “Smart V4 Strategies” was awarded financing support from the Visegrad Fund.

The Visegrád Group (also known as the Visegrád Four, the V4, or the European Quartet) is a cultural and political alliance of four Central an Eastern European countries: the Czech Republik, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The alliance aims to advance co-operation in military, economic, cultural and energy affairs, and to further their integration with the EU.  All four states are also members of the EU and the NATO.

The International Visegrad Fun (IVF) is the only institutionalized form of regional cooperation of the Visegrád Group countries. The main aim of the fund is to strengthen the ties among people and institutions in Central and Eastern Europe through giving support to regional non-governmental initiatives.

The aim of the project is to connect relevant partners in the given area of SMART strategies and prepare procedures for classification of SMART strategies in V4 countries into one complex database portal. The project offers V4 partners international cooperation in unifying SMART strategies to GreenDeal/SDG rules. The vision is to strengthen the unity and effectiveness in implementation of SMART strategies in all V4 countries.

The project will last from 01.07.2022 until 31.12.2023.


Plan for implementation of “SMART Concept” in V4 countries


Analysis of existence and content of national legal+methodological documents for the preparation of “SMART strategies” in V4 countries


Analysis of “SMART strategies” of regions and cities in V4 countries. After Analysis will be created collection of “SMART strategies” in V4 countries, for which compliance with the “SMART Concept”


Pilot analysis of compliance with selected “SMART strategies” and the SMART Concept/GreenDeal/SDG in V4 countries


V4 strategy plan for implementation of SMART concept/GreenDeal/SDG into Smart strategies

The vision of the project is to strengthen the unity and effectiveness in implementation of SMART strategies in V4 countries and compliance of strategic documents to GreenDeal/SDG rules.

  • we want to prepare a “Standard” within V4 on how to prepare “SMART strategic documents” and what their content should be
  • we want to help SMART strategy creators from V4 countries make their work easier, find partners and solvers from other V4 countries
  • we want in V4 countries to join together wide community of SMARTcities/regions, relevant creators of SMART strategies, stakeholders and common society to implementing of SMART strategies based on SMART concept and GreeDeal/SDG rules
  • we want to achieve real “Returning to the roots of Visegrad cooperation” with our project.-

There are a number of projects that make a “Database of best-practice SMART solutions”, we follow the higher-level of a unified methodology of SMART strategies across the V4 countries.