SPCleantech is a network of cooperating entities related to Cleantech industry, that combine their resources, knowledge and skills in order to achieve common goals.
The main goal of SPCleantech is to create a dynamic ecosystem that encourages the exchange of knowledge, promotes innovation and drives economic growth and competitiveness of its members.
Here are some of the main benefits of membership in innovative SPCleantech cluster:

  • Cooperation and networking 
  • Access to resources
  • Exchange of knowledge and training
  • Innovation and research 
  • Joint promotion and marketing
  • Institutional support 
  • Solving common problems

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SPCleantech supports actions taken to reduce the negative impact on the natural environment and to ensure a more sustainable and ecological approach to economic activity, as well as regarding the use of modern digital technologies to optimize business processes, increase efficiency and improve competitiveness.

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SPCleantech part of the Energy Efficiency Movement

 |  Category: SPCleantech News

SPCleantech became a member of the Energy Efficiency Movement by making a commitment to energy efficiency and to fight climate change together with the Movement. SPCleantech is now fully empowered to act as an ambassador of the Movement in the ways that best fit our organization.

As a Mover, we are encouraged to:

  • Share energy efficiency related best-practices and solutions in our own communications channels using the #energyefficiencymovement and the Movement Symbol.
  • To activate our ecosystem to join the Movement and act together for a more energy efficient world. The Movement hascreated an event concept that we are free to use if we want to. The event concept is called Energy Efficiency Symposium and it is a small-scale intimate event concept that will help to engage with stakeholders and motivate them to join the Movement and work together for greater energy efficiency.  
  • Share our energy efficiency best-practices also with other Members. The Movement will then publish them on thelanding page.

A big part of the mission of the Energy Efficiency Movement is to address the “how” of energy efficiency. We’re here to unlock the potential of innovation in solving the climate challenge industry confronts and to accelerate time to value from energy-focused investments.

To these ends, the Movement is driving an ongoing program of thought leadership and industry engagement on the good practices, no-regret moves and real-world solutions that can speed progress on the energy transition. We don’t have all the answers, but we’re committed to working with public and private sector players to identify and scale solutions for greater energy security and faster emission reductions.

Our Manifesto

It is estimated that by 2050 the global population will have risen to 9.7 billion, up from 7.7 billion in 2019. The global economy is expected to more than double over the same period. Urbanization, automation and the rise of living standards will significantly increase the demand for energy globally. At the same time, we urgently need to reduce CO2 emissions to counter climate change.

If we continue with business as usual, this scale of expansion will accelerate climate change, and degrade the quality of air and water upon which all life depends. To protect the environment, we need to redouble our commitment to reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.

In this context, energy efficiency is not an if, it’s a must. It is a simple and impactful solution to a multidimensional challenge, the low-hanging fruit we need to bridge our path to a future where all energy is clean energy. It represents low-hanging fruit because many of the technologies and business processes needed to improve energy efficiency globally already exist today – we just need to make more and better use of them. Energy efficiency is the ‘first fuel’ for a decarbonized future.

The benefits of greater energy efficiency go well beyond the fight against climate change and include environmental conservation, cleaner air and water, better public health, energy independence, and stronger economic growth and development.

Improving energy efficiency is simply common sense. While the challenges ahead are substantial, they are not insurmountable. With adequate investment, appropriate legislation and decisive commitment, it is possible over the coming decades to make major progress toward the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, as well as on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

To make the change, all stakeholders must work together – with both creativity and urgency – to adopt and promote available solutions and to continue to innovate for more. We need to invest in areas that help mitigate climate change and we need governments to provide supportive regulation and incentives.

To foster greater energy efficiency at scale, we need: 

  • Academia to intensify relevant research and to provide scientific facts to inform decision-making
  • Technology companies to innovate continuously on new applications and use cases to accelerate energy efficiency improvements
  • Public decision-makers and government regulators to incentivize rapid adoption of the most energy-efficient solutions and technologies
  • Businesses, cities and countries to be aware of both the cost savings and environmental advantages and be willing to make required investments
  • Investors to reallocate capital toward companies better prepared to address climate risk
  • Others (NGO’s, policymakers, media, individuals) to use, advocate for and amplify energy efficient measures

Through innovation, sharing knowledge and insights, investments and the right regulations and incentives, we can optimize energy efficiency and help the drive toward a decarbonized future for all.

We are moving forward, but with your help we can go much further and faster.