SPCleantech is a network of cooperating entities related to Cleantech industry, that combine their resources, knowledge and skills in order to achieve common goals.
The main goal of SPCleantech is to create a dynamic ecosystem that encourages the exchange of knowledge, promotes innovation and drives economic growth and competitiveness of its members.
Here are some of the main benefits of membership in innovative SPCleantech cluster:

  • Cooperation and networking 
  • Access to resources
  • Exchange of knowledge and training
  • Innovation and research 
  • Joint promotion and marketing
  • Institutional support 
  • Solving common problems

Together we can do more - join us

SPCleantech supports actions taken to reduce the negative impact on the natural environment and to ensure a more sustainable and ecological approach to economic activity, as well as regarding the use of modern digital technologies to optimize business processes, increase efficiency and improve competitiveness.

Learn more about the benefits of membership

Cooperation of members of SPCleantech

 |  Category: SPCleantech News

The cooperation of SPCleantech members resulted in a very interesting and innovative implementation! See the combination of the HausWerk prefabricated construction technology with a creative project from Horizone Studio by another member of the cluster of the construction and engineering company ATB. How do you like it?

Energy-saving construction in Poland is gaining popularity and awareness about it is growing every year. What was 2021 like at HausWerk? 43 energy-efficient houses built and another 40 cooperation started. 150th house built since the beginning of operation, 5.6 thousand m2 of usable space and 18.5 thousand. m2 of energy-saving walls. Congratulations on the result and we keep our fingers crossed for the next projects!