SPCleantech is a network of cooperating entities related to Cleantech industry, that combine their resources, knowledge and skills in order to achieve common goals.
The main goal of SPCleantech is to create a dynamic ecosystem that encourages the exchange of knowledge, promotes innovation and drives economic growth and competitiveness of its members.
Here are some of the main benefits of membership in innovative SPCleantech cluster:

  • Cooperation and networking 
  • Access to resources
  • Exchange of knowledge and training
  • Innovation and research 
  • Joint promotion and marketing
  • Institutional support 
  • Solving common problems

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SPCleantech supports actions taken to reduce the negative impact on the natural environment and to ensure a more sustainable and ecological approach to economic activity, as well as regarding the use of modern digital technologies to optimize business processes, increase efficiency and improve competitiveness.

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Meeting with Jan Gehl

 |  Category: Events

21.10.2014, SPCleantech took part in a meeting with Professor Jan Gehl, a Danish architect and prominent urban planner, promoter of the concept of humanistic urban development projects and changes in the urban space, among others, New York and Moscow.

The meeting promoted the latest book “Cities for People” and lecture, which will undoubtedly become a major event, particularly important in the context of many of the problems that the city has to solve in order to improve its health, the environment, reduce air pollution …

Meeting with Professor Gehl was also an opportunity to exchange views on improving the quality of life and quality of public space in many housing estates “the communist legacy” and so. “New urbanization”, usually only meets the requirements of the developer, with its negative social consequences – the result of low aesthetic quality of urban and architectural landscape.


18.00 – meeting with the Mayor of the City of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski

18.30 – Lecture – open meeting combined with the promotion of Polish-language edition of the book “Cities for People”

19.30 – Discussion with audience participation